Tuesday, December 21, 2021


'Someplace to stay
Enough to eat
Somewhere old heroes shuffle safely down the street
Where you can speak out loud about your doubts and fears
And what's more
No one ever disappears
You never hear that standard issue kicking in your door'

'You can relax on both sides of the tracks
And maniacs don't blow holes in bandsmen by remote control
And everyone has recourse to the law
And no one kills the children anymore'

I have a few problems with Roger Waters these days.  His vocal anti-Israeli views and trendy far left politics are completely at odds with what I believe but just sometimes his lyrics really just hit the spot.
Like these.

I don't watch the News much now.  It depresses me.  Seems to be wars or disruption everywhere.  It's always bad news.  
The World just seems to thrive on division.  Be it race, religion, nationality, gender, whatever.  It saddens me.  Someone like me isn't allowed an opinion anymore or I'm branded as a Nazi amongst other things.

Here in the UK the murder of baby Star Hobson by her mother and her mother's 'partner' recently was heartbreaking.  
Just how could anyone, let alone two people torture and murder an innocent 16 month old baby is beyond belief.  
What sort of people are they?

Most of the world has some sort of religious beliefs. Christianity, Islam, Judaism or one of the thousands of others.  Most have some sort of deity figure to believe in.

As Christian I fail to understand how a kind, loving God lets something like this happen.  I know how my Minister would answer that question.  He would say God gives us all a choice in how to live our lives and that freedom of choice defines how we are and how we act.  I don't know?

The Bible also says (somewhere) that every individual and that every act they commit has a purpose.
Begs the question - 'Just what in the name of f*ck' was the purpose of this one?'
I'll leave it there.

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