Tuesday, August 09, 2022


Really saddened to hear of death of Olivia Newton John.
In 1977 when Grease was released I was either 13 or 14 and The Clash already had or were just about to change my life forever.
I remember going to see it at the old Avenue Cinema on Royal Avenue in Belfast.  It's long gone now.  I went with my old friend John Gray and recall we had to queue outside for ages.
There's no denying what a phenomenon Grease was then and to some extent still is.
It was everywhere.  You couldn't escape it.
I loved it.  Still do and have watched it more times than I care to recall.
More innocent times then.  The songs are timeless to everyone no matter which genre you're a fan of.

ONJ was stunning.  Anyone at that age and that time that denies they had a massive crush on her lies.
'Hopelessness Devoted' is a beautiful song and she nailed it perfectly. It's still one of my favourites.  Ever.

I watched a stage show of it once in London many years ago and enjoyed it too.  Lots of the audience were dressed like characters from it.  Some bloke from Steps was in it but I had no idea who he was?  The girl who played Sandy was really good and did the role justice.

As you get older is all about deaths sadly.
Another part of my adolescence is gone and it makes me sad.
R.I.P. Newtron Bomb.

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