As a (fairly) normal Heterosexual male i was pretty unimpressed to get caught up in Belfast's Gay Pride parade last Saturday. Same thing happened last year.
It would be very hypocritical to call myself a Homophobe as i have enough Lesbian porn to last 10 men a lifetime. I enjoy Lesbian porn as i don't particularly want to look at another blokes swinging scrotum thank you very much. My own is bad enough.
However, i admit that i find the very thought of 2 men engaging in buggery (or even heavy petting) absolutely repulsive. It makes my skin crawl. Having had the dubious pleasure of the flexible sigmoidiscope on numerous occasions I can't possibly imagine what pleasure anyone can derive from such an act.
What 2 consenting adults get up to in the privacy of their own homes is, i believe, entirely up to them. What i don't see dosen't hurt me. This is precisely where i have a big problem with this parade.
From the little i did see of it, it appeared to be a lot of blokes dressed as women, gyrating themselves on floats to really bad disco music?
I was always led to believe that being a Transvestite and a Homosexual where two entirely different things? Apparently not.
I have witnessed many Gay men on TV stating that they just want to be left alone to get on with their lives. Fair enough.
So what then is the purpose of such a parade? All it does is to cement the stereotype many have of Homosexual men (in particular). Look at the 'bloke' in the picture. What's he trying to prove?
I would have no desire to take part in a Straight Pride parade as my sexuality is mine and nobody Else's concern.
Parades like Saturdays do the Gay community more harm than good and should cease forthwith.
The gay community need to be loud and vocal in order to gain full acceptance within society. It still is not acceptable for two men to kiss in public or even to walk along the street hand in hand. People like yourself don't need to consider other peoples sex lives if you find it troubling but you do need to accept diversity.
Well Anon, you are entitled to your opinion obviously, but i fail to see how an event like Gay Pride helps the Gay community gain any sort of acceptance? As i said in the post, from what i saw of it, it simply reinforced the stereotypical image of a Gay person? It's not acceptable to do many things on a public street, dosen't mean its either right or wrong.
You are right i don't need to consider other peoples sex lives unless its right 'in your face' as it was at Gay Pride!
You are straight, you have just stated on the world wide web (and it doesn't get more public than that) that you own lesbian porn and so we are without wanting to forced to think of you, Junkmale, whoever you are, jerking off to it. You have owned your sexuality publicly, and I daresay that if you want to walk down the street holding your girlfriend's hand or kissing her in the street you and everyone else would think little of it. You would be proud. The key word is 'pride'. Not shame, not hiding, not self-reproach. Pride. Yes, there are a lot of trans women out there who are gay and they tend to get picked up by the press photographers at events like this, it's a bit annoying and cliched, but there you go.
I'd imagine that the 4 or so people who regularly read this Blog wouldn't find it surprising in the slightest that i watch Lesbian Porn. Me and probably billions of others across the globe. If i saw 2 blokes or two girls walking down the street holding hands or kissing i wouldn't pay the slightest bit of attention to it. Although if i am completely honest i personally do find the thought of 2 men kissing each other either in public or otherwise to be repulsive. But if that's the lifestyle that 2 consenting adults choose to have then who am i to condemn them? Accepting diversity and the notion of a Gay Pride parade are two entirely different things.
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