This is my home. My Country. My nation.
It's called Northern Ireland. I'm proud of it.
I am sick, sore and tired of it being referred to as the North of Ireland, the Six Counties, the Occupied Six Counties or any of the other names some presume to call it.
It's NORTHERN IRELAND. No ifs, no buts or anything else. End of!
I can't help wondering was there something in particular that pushed you to write this.
It's annoying how pathetic some people can be, but if I let it get to me that much I'd be one seriously depressed (or angry or homicidal) individual.
Tis' all too true that i can let my temper get the better of me at times. I blame the medication! I do think the point i made is a valid one though?
"It's NORTHERN IRELAND. No ifs, no buts or anything else. End of!"
Then i take it its not Ulster either??
Yes, you are quite correct anon. Ulster is a 9 county province of the Island of Ireland and is not in any way, shape or form Northern Ireland.
I do believe, however, that using Ulster to refer to NI does not have the same sinister undertone as e.g. the 'six counties' and i therefore find it acceptable.
"I do believe, however, that using Ulster to refer to NI does not have the same sinister undertone as e.g. the 'six counties' and i therefore find it acceptable."
Fair enough, but the majority of people who live in Ulster would recognise it as being the 9 county version. And hence would find it offensive.
Ironically 6 counties is the most accurate description of all. North of Ireland, Northern Ireland and Ulster are all innacurate. But I understand where the offense could from.
Can't quite see where the irony might be?... and how on earth can describing Northern Ireland as...eh...Northern Ireland be in any way inaccurate?
It isint unless one wants to nitpick about bits of Co. Donegal being further North blah blah blah.
But then Donegal is part of the "Occupied three counties" :-)
It's the place where you feel most at home. Nuff said.
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